
An intelligent cloud-based solution designed to enhance cash flow and debt collection practices by improving credit collections, automating payment reminders, and ensuring better cash-flow management. 

About this

About this project

Kredin found a significant problem in the debt collection process and required our assistance in putting together a framework that encapsulated both front and backed technology. The task was to help establish a fintech debt collection system that delivered real-time data to customers seeking debt recovery, streamlined the process, and provided results - faster. Our objective is to streamline operations at Kredin by addressing existing challenges. This includes simplifying the complex processes and visual architecture hindering lender oversight. Additionally, we aim to enhance automation capabilities to deliver real-time data and timely reminders, thereby improving technological reliability and customer satisfaction.




About the client

Kredin sought to offer a better solution to creditors failing to recover their money from lenders. Instead of spending hours struggling to collect payments, Kredin handles the task efficiently for you. It is a sophisticated cloud-based debt collection system that follows a rigid online process of recovering debts from your borrowers in a streamlined and focused manner. We at Successive Digital were tasked with developing a framework for this cloud system and executing it precisely according to the specifications.

About the client About the client


A fintech software solution, alongside third-party software integrations, was adopted at both the front and back end levels to develop a smooth online cloud-based debt collection system that made debt collection comfortable, executed real-time reporting, and established better communication via automated reminders and push notifications.

Formulating a better debt collection system from inception while keeping critical challenges and technical nuances in place to help the debtor and the creditor is what we pursued to structure through our efforts. The solution required a comprehensive approach to both front-end user experience and back-end management. 

After contemplating the issues, the team from Successive Digital employed leading technologies like Bootstrap, HTML, JQuery, and CSS to piece together a responsive and engaging front end that delivered real-time, tailored data with enhanced modes of credit collection and auto payment reminders. The backend was developed with PHP and refined via CodeIgniter and Composer. The entire process streamlined the debt collection and management process, allowing Kredin better access to manage their clients more efficiently and deliver decreased wait time. 

We also integrated third-party applications like Highcharts to help customers customize and view their cash flow data more comprehensively and articulately. Overall, a robust debt collection fintech solution was instituted that was reliable, quick, and actionable. We achieved a fintech solution that helped Kredin and its customers streamline debt collection, formulate better communication, and have real-time access to information necessary for critical evaluations.


Providing results that exceeded the client’s expectations

  • Customers discovered a better debt collection system that was effective and delivered results.
  • The cost of operations was reduced.
  • Customers had real-time access to aspects including cash flow and debt collection.
  • An engaging interface decorated with customizable charts and infographics was created for customers.
  • Better communication with automated payment reminders was established, helping both the lender and the borrower.
  • The need for third-party dependency like debt collection agents was eliminated.
  • A comprehensive backend was architectured for creditors, and following up with debtors became a smooth transaction.
  • Kredin found more customers and became one of the most trusted sources for a debt collection system that anyone could employ.
  • Debt Recovery Rate increased by 80%
  • Debt collection rate increased by 65%

Case Studies

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