Accelerated Network Monitoring with Rapid-Deployment Visualization Solution

We developed a flexible, scalable network traffic visualization framework that significantly reduced dashboard creation time. It enabled rapid deployment of high-quality visualizations and ensured the client’s competitive edge in a dynamic market.

About this

About this project

The client's urgent need to be first to market with a cutting-edge visualization solution laid the foundation for developing a network traffic monitoring and visualization solution. They aimed to effectively monitor and assess extensive network traffic data collected from their customers, visualizing the volume and health of network connections. The stakes were high, as the client required a custom solution that delivered high-quality visualizations using charts, maps, and tables and accelerated their development process to outpace competitors. Our team was tasked with developing a flexible framework within Prisma Access Insights, founded on Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) principles. The developed framework allowed for the rapid creation of new dashboards and pages, meeting the client's need for speed and quality. The result was a streamlined, efficient process that reduced time to market, enabling the client to maintain its competitive edge while ensuring robust network performance monitoring.


Project Engineering




About the client

The client, a leading provider of advanced technology solutions, sought to enhance its network monitoring capabilities through a custom visualization solution. The client is known for delivering innovative, high-performance services that cater to a diverse range of industries.

About the client About the client


As part of our UI team, we embarked on a mission to revolutionize how network data is visualized across a suite of products. The goal was to create a solution that would not only deliver powerful insights into network usage but also adhere to the stringent principles of Secure Access Service Edge (SASE), ensuring top-tier security and performance.

We focused on designing a highly flexible framework capable of adapting to the evolving needs of the platform. The framework was also built with the capabilities to deploy new dashboards and pages with remarkable efficiency with minimal modifications while significantly accelerating the development cycle. The web application we developed became the keystone of this process and provided seamless integration and a user-friendly interface for comprehensive network monitoring.

Technically, the project was underpinned by a robust stack. On the front end, we utilized HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and D3.js to create dynamic and interactive visualizations. The backend was powered by Java, Python, and Go, ensuring scalability and reliability. We also integrated third-party libraries such as HighCharts, Tailwind, and Material-UI to enhance functionality and streamline the user experience.


Providing results that exceeded the client’s expectations

  • Reduced dashboard creation time to a single day by utilizing pre-developed components and JSON templates.
  • Achieved rapid deployment of new visualizations, accelerating the overall development process.
  • Enabled efficient monitoring and network performance assessment through custom charts, maps, and tables.
  • Provided users with tools to make informed decisions regarding their network infrastructure.
  • Successfully met the client’s need for a competitive edge by ensuring timely market entry with high-quality visualizations.

Case Studies

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