Business Objectives

Business Objectives

The client provides multiple football training programs and deals with vast amounts of merchandise and goalkeeping materials. They wanted to build a centralized, scalable platform that could manage all operations, including content management and eCommerce operations, such as selling exclusive training materials, articles, and branded merchandise, from a single place and can handle traffic during peak situations. They also wanted to migrate their single-channel platform into a multi-vendor platform to boost their revenue and overall sales. Apart from this, they wanted to enhance shopping experiences for their customers by providing a user-friendly interface and seamless navigation.

Business Challenges

Multiple Platforms

When the client collaborated with Successive Digital, they were running a single-channel eCommerce platform and separate platforms for managing content and digital assets, which led to operational inefficiencies and mismanagement.

Scalability Issue

Their existing platform also lacked scalability, making it difficult to handle peak user traffic situations. This posed a significant challenge and resulted in performance disruption and downtime.

User Experience

Delivering a satisfactory shopping experience to customers was difficult as their platform's UI/UX design was complicated, and navigating through it was complex for their customers. This led to dissatisfaction and increased losses for our client.


Business Solution

Successive Digital helped the client by developing a solution that integrates with their platform and enables multi-vendor management. Our team understood their challenges with operational mismanagement and aimed to address these issues with the following solutions. Our solution helped in creating a centralized and unified dashboard for the client to manage all their products, articles, training materials, and digital assets from a single place. The aim was to improve operational efficiency and enable real-time operations tracking as and when required. The dashboard also generated actionable customer insights that our client can leverage to offer personalized content and product recommendations based on user preferences and purchase history.

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